Abundant Tree Team

Pruning Your Trees is More Important Than You Think

With hurricane season already upon us, many homeowners living near the ocean are taking part in their annual tree pruning traditions. Here in Kentucky, though, we don’t usually endure harsh weather conditions from hurricanes. Tornadoes and severe thunderstorms, on the other hand, do cause some major problems. These storms are just the reason why tree pruning is just as important in the bluegrass state as it is in Florida.

Why Should You Prune a Tree?

If you’ve never pruned your trees, you’re not alone. Many never do because it is falsely believed that letting a tree grow in its natural form is best. Pruning your trees actually extends their lives by keeping them from damage that could cause an early demise, leaving you with a big, empty spot on your property. Here are some other reasons pruning your trees is something you should do each year.

Pruned Trees = Healthy Trees

  • Removing damaged or diseased branches to prevent insects or disease from going deeper into your healthy tree.
  • Thinning the density of the tree allows more air and sunlight to penetrate giving way to a healthier tree.
  • Simply eliminating crossing branches prevents tree-on-tree damage.
  • If your tree is young and you have two codominant leaders in the structure, prune down to one., n the earlier years lop off co-tree leaders leaving. Two large trunks make for a future split but having one primary trunk helps a tree last for many years

Tree Pruning for Family & Property Protection

Did you know a branch of a tree can weigh over a hundred pounds? Imagine that branch broken and falling as a loved one is walking underneath it. Of course, broken limbs can break more than bones; they can damage cars, wreck garages, and fall on your home resulting in water, roof, and major personal property damage.

When Should You Prune a Tree?

Those damaged or diseased limbs should be removed as soon as you spot them. Other than that the best time to prune is in late winter or early spring before new growth has begun. It’s true that pruning can be done anytime but it’s always good to avoid hotter dry periods and extreme cold.

Tree Pruning Advice

Did you know you can prune your own trees? Read up on some tree pruning tips and you can have your home & family protected from that next falling limb. Use the long-handled pruning saw on ornamental trees that are 15 ft tall or less allowing you access from the ground.

As far as those limbs near the power lines, or 20 ft & higher up, you’ll definitely want to call in an experienced arborist. An arborist doesn’t merely come to your property and cut down a bunch of trees. Instead, they will assess your property and make only the changes that are needed to keep your property safe. A bonus of calling an arborist: What you can learn from an arborist can be used later in all of your expert personal pruning.

Only prune if you’re trying to achieve one of the following goals: to train the plant, restrict growth, maintain plant health, or enhance the safety of your property.

Prune in this order: Remove all branches that are dead, damaged or diseased at their point of origin. Then make any training cuts that are needed. Lastly, make any corrective pruning cuts. Here’s a step-by-step tree pruning guide to help you in more detail.

Use the right pruning equipment: Check out this helpful guide for picking out the right pruning shears.

Call Us Anytime with Tree or Shrub Questions (618) 202-4209
