house with several trees in the front yard

Tree FAQs

Commonly Asked Tree Questions

Trees are a beautiful and vital part of our world, streets, and backyards. They provide food, clean air, and much-needed shade in the summertime. Properly caring for our trees is important in order for them to grow as big and beautiful as they should.

Whether you’ve cared for trees for years, or you’re just beginning to learn, you likely have questions to be answered. The arborists at Abundant Tree Care Services 618-202-4209. are here to provide you with the answers your trees need to have a beautiful, fruitful, and plentiful life.

Let’s dive into some of our most commonly asked questions.

When Should I Plant A Tree?

When planting a tree, you want to allow its roots enough time to begin good growth. In too high or too low of temperatures, roots can dry or freeze up, causing your tree to not have a solid foundation to grow from.

Because of this, spring and fall are often recommended for planting time. However, some stronger advantages to planting in the spring include:

  • An excuse to get outside to garden and enjoy the long-awaited warmer days.
  • The roots have more guaranteed warm weather rather than in the fall.
  • Nurseries and garden centers are stocked with all sorts of varieties.

But don’t let this stop you from giving us a call during the fall months!

When is the Best Time to Prune a Tree?

Pruning is an important part of encouraging tree growth. The best time to prune a tree depends on the type of tree. Typically, we recommend pruning while the tree is in its dormant state, meaning they aren’t in a season of growth. This commonly occurs during the changing of the seasons. The best way to know when to prune, however, is to research the type of tree, or to give your arborist a call!

How Can I Tell if My Tree is Sick?

There are several signs that could indicate a sick or dying tree. They include:

  • Wilting.
  • Holes in leaves.
  • Cracks in the trunk.
  • Dropped branches.
  • Yellowing leaves.
  • Stunted leaf growth.

As arborists, we are prepared to help you nurse your tree back to health. Tree removal is always our last resort.

Why is My Tree Not Blooming?

If you did not prune the tree at the appropriate time, or incorrectly, it may not bloom. For example, if your tree blooms in the spring and you prune it in early spring, it will likely not bloom as well as it should. A lack of nutrients could also reduce blooming.

What Do I Need to Know About Fertilization?

First, most fully mature trees will not need fertilization unless they are having growth problems. Fertilizing gives your tree the nutrients it needs to grow and bloom. Typically, you would fertilize in the spring to support the tree during the growing season. You would fertilize in the fall to pump nutrients back into the sun-soaked soil.

Choosing the right fertilizer is important. That is why doing your research is essential.

How Do I Care for Trees During Winter?

Winter isn’t just hard on us, it’s hard on our trees as well! By adding mulch to the surrounding area, you provide the tree with a little insulation and a moisture-retaining layer of protection.

What Are The Benefits of Having a Tree on My Property?

There are endless benefits to having a tree in your yard, including the following:

They add character and curb appeal to your home.

  • Increased property value.
  • Improved air quality.
  • Reduced rain runoff, protecting other plants in your garden from flooding.
  • Shade from the sun.
  • Attracting pollinators like bees and insects.

Ask The Arborists!

Do you have a question about your trees that we didn’t answer here? Give us a call at (618) 202-4209 and we’ll give you the answers you need!